
Pink aluminum oxide F60 250-300microns


Pink aluminum oxide is also known as pink fused alumina,pink corundum,pink electrocorundum,pink fused aluminum oxide,chrome fused alumina etc,which is

obtained by adding chromium oxide to aluminum oxide during the fusion process.

Zhengzhou haixu abrasives co.,ltd,founded in 1999,has been producing and exporting pink aluminum oxide for more than 20 years.There are low chrominum,medium chromium and high chrominum three kinds and mainly used for abrasive and refractory,the sizes are as follows:

For abrasiveF12 F14 F16 F20 F22 F24 F30 F36 F40 F46 F54 F60 F70 F80 F90 F100 F120 F150 F180 F220

#12 #14 #16 #20 #24 #30 #36 #40 #46 #54 #60 #70 #80 #90 #100 #120 #150 #180 #220

For refractory0-1mm 1-3mm 3-5mm 5-8mm

Now just list the technical datasheet pf pink aluminum oxide F60 for your reference:

Pink aluminum oxide F60 Chemical Composition

Low Chromium≥98.50.2-0.45≤0.30.01-0.05
Medium Chromium≥98.20.45-1.00≤0.30.01-0.05
High Chromium≥97.51.00-2.00≤0.350.01-0.05

Pink aluminum oxide F60 PSD

    MESH  DIAMETER/um  %

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